How many roads must a man walk down Before they call him a man/
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand
How many times must the cannonballs fly/ Before they are forever banned
The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
zenbat urte mendia munduan itsasoak ito baino lehen
zenbat urte herri batek duen bizi behar libre izan baino lehen
zenbat aldiz burua behar makurtu esateko ez dela lkusten
erantzuna haizean dago zirimolan
erantzuna dabila haizean
How many times can man a look up Before he sees the sky
How many ears must one person have Before he can hear people cry/
And how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died
The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind
zenbat aldiz gora so egin behar,zerua ikusi baino lehen
zenbat belarri ireki behar, herria oihuka entzun baino lehen
zenbat heriotz gerta beharko dira, jendea hil baino lehen
erantzuna haizean dago zirimolan erantzuna dabila haizean