6 textes des chants du spectacle

 0 Chant Merkatua( video)


Hauxe dugu Gernikazko merkatua

sal erosketetan aritzekio lekua

herriko mozkinez ongi hornitua

herriak herritarrentzat montatua

denei sartzen zaie erosteko gogua

hau bai dela gernikan toki goxua lalalalala


Egun on guziei merkatuzaleei

saltzaile eta gernikako jendeei

xirimiri eta ohiko odeiei

gernikako kale zahar lankartsueei

agur bero bat astelehen goizeei

merkatua bizirik duten herriei lalalalalallaal


Honat etorria arraina saltzera

eta nik etxeko ogia eskaintzera

fruitu freskua daukat nik zoin ederra

baratzeko porru ta azak nik horrela

elikadura sanoena ekartzera

zer bizia den gernikan merkatua lalalalalalalal



Paisolak irekirik ditugu egun

zeruaz babesteko dauzkagu segur

bainan lankarrez ez gaude egun beldur

zergaitik zerua belzten hasi zaigun

ez ote zaigun sortuko larritasun

merkatua urduri dago gaurregun. Lalala


Paisolak nahi genituzke egun itxi

bainan gainean euria eta harri

zerua estaltzen ari zaigu guri

ez ote den gaurko astelehena larri

lasai ohikoa dugu xirimiri

ireki leihoa gaur esperantzari



1 Txoria badator txoria badoa


El condor pasa, flauta eta gitarra 2 aldiz itzuli fa batera

Ta txoria badator, ikaran edonor (4)
F C Si b C

Sib Merkatuan, amatxiren besoan saskia do ni hasi
sib Badator sarraskia do
sib eskutan, landare eta hazia do
sib mamia ,ikaran, mintzen hasia. do

Merkatu eguna
Eb iluna C
eta soinu urruna
badurbil astuna (
bis) AAAAAAAA(2 aldiz)
Si b C F C Eb C

Fa Condorrak airean do , si b burrunba do sirenak hasi
txistuka, eta bunba ! F C
Stuka ta katakunba Eb C

Condorrak airean, burrunba F C Eb C
txistuka, eta bunba ! F C
Stuka ta katakunba Eb C
ehorztoki eta tunba.
C F AAAAAAA( 4) F C Eb F 3 boz + efektoak
Gitarra, flauta+ efektoak

Eb Merkatuan, amatxiren besoan sarraskia, C ni hasi
hortxe dago odol nahaskia
Huts-hutsik baitago betiko aulkia
euriaren azpian herri haragia

Ta txoria badoa,putakumia F C Eb C bi bozez azken biak


2 Beti astelehena

Harriz harri etxeak izerdiz eraiki
malkoz malkoz bihotzak berpiztu, jeiki
Euskaldunen herria argitu kartsuki

Ustez dena eraikiz, buka eta aki
irriak ezpainetan dagerte arinki
baina menpeak darrai, oraino maltzurki

Atzean utzi zaitut andere sarraski
berriro merkatuan boltsa eta saski
luzaz izanen dela herriak badaki
euskaldunen aurkarena herritarrek aski!

Euskal sinbolorentzat genuen Gernika
astelehen goiz hura begitan eurika
lankar beltzaren gaitza oino hikamika

Gure aurka oraintxe, dabiltza harrika
harri hauskai dirudi, ireki ninika
herriari diogu:” Hi aberri haika”

Sekulan ezin ahantzi andere sarraski
malkoz malkoz bihotzak berpiztu ,jeiki
euskaldunen odola oldargai gogorki
ezin isilik egon, hiltzea hobeki

Astelehenez astelehen, beti astelehena
bonbarik gabe baina herri herrena
Inoiz ezin ahaztu apirila harena

Gaurkotasunak pilpil baitu oroitmena
nahiz armak isildu, guri so haiena
astelehena dela gauza nabarmena

Atzean utzi zaitut andere sarraski
berriro merkatuan boltsa eta saski
ea Euskal herria noiz pakean utzi
astelehena asteazken bihur dadin bihar ala etzi. Bis eta 4


Article de John Steer

News Report by George Steer for the The Times about Guernica 1937

This article by George Steer of The Times brought to the world news of the massacre by German pilots of more than 1,000 civilians in the Basque town. The outrage inspired Pablo Picasso’s masterwork, and Steer has now been honoured for the piece.




From Our Special Correspondent

BILBAO, April 27 1937

Guernica, the most ancient town of the Basques and the centre of their cultural tradition, was completely destroyed yesterday afternoon by insurgent air raiders. The bombardment of this open town far behind the lines occupied precisely three hours and a quarter, during which a powerful fleet of aeroplanes consisting of three German types, Junkers and Heinkel bombers and Heinkel fighters, did not cease unloading on the town bombs weighing from 1,000lb. downwards and, it is calculated, more than 3,000 two-pounder aluminium incendiary projectiles. The fighters, meanwhile, plunged low from above the centre of the town to machine- gun those of the civilian population who had taken refuge in. the fields.

The whole of Guernica was soon in flames except the historic Casa de Jontas with its rich archives of the Basque race, where the ancient Basque Parliament used to sit. The famous oak of Guernica, the dried old stump of 600 years and the young new shoots of this century, was also untouched. Here the kings of Spain used to take the oath to respect the democratic rights (fueros) of Vizcaya and in return received a promise of allegiance as suzerains with the democratic title of Señor, not Rey Vizcaya. The noble parish, church of Santa Maria was also undamaged except for the beautiful chapter house, which was struck by an incendiary bomb.

At 2 am today when I visited the town the whole of it was a horrible sight, flaming from end to end. The reflection of the flames could be seen in the clouds of smoke above the mountains from 10 miles away. Throughout the night houses were falling until the streets became long heaps of red impenetrable debris.

Many of the civilian survivors took the long trek from Guernica to Bilbao in antique solid-wheeled Basque farmcarts drawn by oxen. Carts piled high with such household possessions as could be saved from the conflagration clogged the roads all night. Other survivors were evacuated in Government lorries, but many were forced to remain round the burning town lying on mattresses or looking for lost relatives and children, while units of the fire brigades and the Basque motorized police under the personal direction of the Minister of the Interior, Señor Monzon, and his wife continued rescue work till dawn.


In the form of its execution and the scale of the destruction it wrought, no less than in the selection of its objective, the raid on Guernica is unparalleled in military history. Guernica was not a military objective. A factory producing war material lay outside the town and was untouched. So were two barracks some distance from the town. The town lay far behind the lines. The object of the bombardment was seemingly the demoralization of the civil population and the destruction of the cradle of the Basque race. Every fact bears out this appreciation, beginning with the day when the deed was done.

Monday was the customary market day in Guernica for the country round. At 4.30 pm, when the market was full and peasants were still coming in, the church bell rang the alarm for approaching aeroplanes, and the population sought refuge in cellars and in the dugouts pre pared following the bombing of the civilian population of Durango on March 31, which opened General Mola’s offensive in the north. The people are said to have shown a good spirit. A Catholic priest took charge and perfect order was maintained.

Five minutes later a single German bomber appeared, circled over the town at a low altitude, and then dropped six heavy bombs, apparently aiming for the station. The bombs with a shower of grenades fell on a former institute and on houses and streets surrounding it. The aeroplane then went away. In another five minutes came a second bomber, which threw the same number of bombs into the middle of the town. About a quarter of an hour later three Junkers arrived to continue the work of demolition, and thenceforward the bombing grew in intensity and was continuous, ceasing only with the approach of dusk at 7.45. The whole town of 7,000 inhabitants, plus 3,000 refugees, was slowly and systematically pounded to pieces. Over a radius of five miles round a detail of the raiders’ technique was to bomb separate caserios, or farmhouses. In the night these burned like little candles in the hills. All the villages around were bombed with the same intensity as the town itself, and at Mugica, a little group of houses at the head of the Guernica inlet, the population was machine-gunned for 15 minutes.


It is impossible to state yet the number of victims. In the Bilbao Press this morning they were reported as "fortunately small," but it is feared that this was an understatement in order not to alarm the large refugee population of Bilbao. In the hospital of Josefinas, which was one of the first places bombed, all the 42 wounded militiamen it sheltered were killed outright. In a street leading downhill from the Casa de Juntas I saw a place where 50 people, nearly all women and children, are said to have been trapped in an air raid refuge under a mass of burning wreckage. Many were killed in the fields, and altogether the deaths may run into hundreds. An elderly priest named Aronategui was killed by a bomb while rescuing children from a burning house.

The tactics of the bombers, which may be of interest to students of the new military science, were as follows: — First, small parties of aeroplanes threw heavy bombs and hand grenades all over the town, choosing area after area in orderly fashion. Next came fighting machines which swooped low to machine-gun those who ran in panic from dugouts, some of which had already been penetrated by 1,000lb bombs, which make a hole 25ft. deep. Many of these people were killed as they ran. A large herd of sheep being brought in to the market was also wiped out. The object of this move was apparently to drive the population under ground again, for next as many as 12 bombers appeared at a time dropping heavy and incendiary bombs upon the ruins. The rhythm of this bombing of an open town was, therefore, a logical one: first, hand grenades and heavy bombs to stampede the population, then machine-gunning to drive them below, next heavy and incendiary bombs to wreck the houses and burn them on top of their victims.

The only counter-measures the Basques could employ, for they do not possess sufficient aeroplanes to face the insurgent fleet, were those provided by the heroism of the Basque clergy. These blessed and prayed for the kneeling crowds—Socialists, Anarchists, and Communists, as well as the declared faithful - in the crumbling dugouts.

When I entered Guernica after midnight houses were crashing on either side, and it was utterly impossible even for firemen to enter the centre of the town. The hospitals of Josefinas and Convento de Santa Clara were glowing heaps of embers, all the churches except that of Santa Maria were destroyed, and the few houses which still stood were doomed. When I revisited Guernica this afternoon most of the town was still burning and new fires had broken out About 30 dead were laid out in a ruined hospital.


The effect here of the bombardment of Guernica, the Basques’ holy city, has been profound and has led President Aguirre to issue the following statement in this morning’s Basque Press:— "The German airmen in the service of the Spanish rebels, have bombarded Guernica, burning the historic town which is held in such veneration by all Basques. They have sought to wound us in the most sensitive of our patriotic sentiments, once more making it entirely clear what Euzkadis may expect of those who do not hesitate to destroy us down to the very sanctuary which records the centuries of our liberty and our democracy.

"Before this outrage all we Basques must react with violence, swearing from the bottom of our hearts to defend the principles’ of our people with unheard of stubbornness and heroism if the case requires it. We cannot hide the gravity of the moment; but victory can never be won by the invader if, raising our spirits to heights of strength and determination, we steel ourselves to his defeat.

"The enemy has advanced in. many parts elsewhere to be driven out of them afterwards. I do not hesitate to affirm that here the same thing will happen. May to-day’s outrage be one spur more to do it with all speed."


Chant: Gernika Iratzar




Zure kantu sarkorra Entzun dut gau huntan:
Aditu izan nuen Jadanik askotan:
Bozkarioz bihotza Gainditzen zitzaitan.
Gaur egin dut gogotik Nigar ilunbetan...

Gaur egin dut gogotik Nigar ilunbetan...


Ikusten zaitut hilen herria iduri;
Etxe aurtikitz baizik ez zare igeri...
Udaberria irriz dago munduari:
Harri beltzetan lore guti zait ageri.

Gaur egin dut gogotik Nigar ilunbetan...


Orai datza ohiko Kartago bezala,
Paret beltz handi batzu baizik ez dauzkala.
Jazko Euskaldun-iri haren gorputz hila
Nigarrik egin gabe nola ikus, nola?

Gaur egin dut gogotik Nigar ilunbetan...


Xoratzen iluntzen daut hitz horrek bihotza.
Mendek jakinen dute haren zorigaitza...
Numanze ta Kartagoz ez gaitezke mintza,
Goraki erran gabe Euskadin, han, datza:


Gaur egin dut gogotik Nigar ilunbetan...

Chant  Hemen



Entzun zu euskaldun,

hauxe gure oihartzun

ozendurik dago gaur egun, Hemen

Bai bai, hozitu muskil berriak

Bai, bai biziz beteak

Bai bai, muskilek adar gazteak

bizigai erneak.

Entzun zu euskaldun,

hauxe gure oihartzun

ozendurik dago gaur egun, Hemen

Bai, bai eraiki etxe berriak

bai, bai harriz eginak

bai bai gaur pareta sendoenak

ta eskaratze finak

Entzun zu euskaldun,

hauxe gure oihartzun

ozendurik dago gaur egun, Hemen

Bai bai, nahiz eta sekulan ahantzi

Bai, bai, Franko ta guzi

Bai, bai, eraikitzen denek hasi

hiru ta lau bat zazpi

Entzun zu euskaldun,

hauxe gure oihartzun

ozendurik dago gaur egun. Hemen

Bai, bai, geroa eta oraia

bai, bai eskua emanta

Bai, bai altxa dezagun eskua

gora etorkizuna

Entzun zu euskaldun,

hauxe gure oihartzun

ozendurik dago gaur egun, Hemen



Doña Carmen eta katua


Doña Carmen eta katua

Urteak zeraman supazter gozo hartatik, ximista baten pare eta deabruak harturik, katuak ihes egin zuen etxetik.

Doña Carmen ikustera zetorren gizon hura nabaritu batzuen, bizia etxeari hurbildu zitzaiola berak ere sentitu baitzuen, handik zen lekutu.

Andrere zaharrak, etorberriak kanpotik ikus ez zezan, leiho ximur eta ilun hartatik, arima zuen atera, bere gorputzez jarraiturik. Berak ere zerbait serio izan zitekeela baitzekien. Bizpahiru urratsez, erdi itxirik zegoen leiho hartara iritsiz eta barneko itsasaldi beteak haunpatuz, besoa zulotik hedatu zuen eta paper ekarle haren berria jaso,, -« Doña Carmen » galderari buru keinu itsu batez erantzuna emanez.

Berak ere bazezaguen papera xurixka haren mamia, berrogei urte luzaz larrua zimurtu zion hura, berrogei negu luzaz ilea elurtu zion hura.

Ekarle bitxi hura urruntzen ari zitzaien eta amantal haren sabeleko sakel sakon hartan misterioz beteriko gutun hura lezeratu zuen, luzarako amildurik.

Pitxitxi oraino ez zen agertu. Berak ere bazekien norbaitek ziola lekua kendu. Suak bere indarra galdu zuen, berak ere bazekien, egunaren iduri, behar zela itzali. Ez baitzen denentzako toki.

Gau hartan amatxi ez zuen lorik egin, lastozko kadira batean eseri zelako eta, begiak erne, goizaren igurikan egon zen.

Ohea hotz-hotza zen gelditu, katuak ez baitzuen ere berotu.

Gutuna han zegoen, zulo beltzean, bero, bero, lo.

Egunak, asteak, urteak hantxe zituen igaro.

Eskuratu orduko, zalantzan, leize gozo beltzean amiltzen zuen berriro.

Nork zezaguen idazki horren mamia ? Semearen heriotzaren berria ala dolarrez aberastu zen notizia ala sinpleki Ameriketara ongi iritsi zen abisua ?Deus ez baitzuen jakin, deus ez baitzekien.

Berrogei urte luzaz, iguritako altxorra amantal zahar beroan egon zen.

Beste hogei urte iraun zuen anderearen irri itzaliak.

Ezpain tinkaturiko emazte hotz zaharra esnatzeko beharrik ez zuten izan goiz hartan. Gutun itxi harekin baitzuten lurperatu eta gau hartan pitxitxi zen agertu.


Chant Ortzadarra


Oo, Oo, O. Itsasoa dago negarrez xotinka
haizea kresalez,malkoez txistuka
uhain xuriak, dantzatzen jiraka
aparra hegan dabil,airatuz, ttanttaka
negar xorta idorrez hasi naiz kantuka

hasi naiz kantuka Oo, Oo, OOOO

Zure parez pare, etxean gorderik
ezin urduriago,behatzen leihotik
zure hasarrea indarrez beterik
Zerua ilun-ilun hasdi da engoitik
Enbata ufaka ari, trufaka gainetik

trufaka gainetik Oo, Oo, Ooo

Alta ni Donibane, kondairez betea
Lapurdiko herria , betitik hezea
bizirik iraun nahi dut,itsaso maitea
behin ito baininduzun, lekuko urpea
lasaitu zaitez otoi, utzi hasarrea

utzi hasarrea, Oo, Oo, OOO

Lohizune dut nik ama eta ene izena
errotik euskalduna, ni zure sirena
“-Itsasgora lagun, zato neregana
otoi apal ezazu zure oldarmena
zure uhain biziek eman neri kemena
eman neri kemena », Oo,Oo,OOO

Ortzadar ederra orai da ageri
argi zabala dakar, gurea da bizi
itsasoa baretuz, agur jabalaldi
zure alaba da salbu,baita Euskal Herri
Etorkizuna dugu alai eta argi
alai eta argi, Oo, Oo, OOO


 Chant : Ahantzi ezina( video)

  • Ahantzi ezina

  • Oubli impossible

  • (traduction sommaire)

  • Hiruburuak gira lehen, orai, gero

  • geroak ezin ahantzi, hiltzaile ta ero

  • Gernikan gertatua oroituz ezkero

  • sutan ezarriz dugu bihotza hain bero

  • Nous sommes les Hiruburu, passé, présent et futur

  • L' avenir ne peut oublier le meurtre et la folie

  • le souvenir de Guernika en mémoire

  • nous révolte et nous brûle le coeur.

  • Etsaien erasoa ez dugu laguna

  • nahiz eta aspalditik izan ezaguna

  • txori beltzen txioa zaigu hain iluna

  • Hiruburu honekin, herri erantzuna

  • L' attaque de ennemis n' est pas notre amie

  • même si elle est constante et très ancienne

  • le gazouillis des oiseaux résonne encore obscur

  • Nos trois têtes sont la réponse du peuple

    Herria suntsituta hondarra eraikina

  • heriotza nagusituz hau bai bihozmina

  • ez dugu ahantziko hau ahanztezina

  • eta famili denei gure dolumina

  • La ville meurtrie, les ruines érigées

  • nous avons vaincu la mort en douleur

  • comment oublier? C'est inoubliable

  • D'ici, une pensée à toutes les familles.



chant : Nehorrek ez daki

                                                     Nehorrek ez daki  

Nehork ez daki itsasoa hil dela

Nehork ez daki gaur ehortziko dutela

Nehork ez daki utzi gaituela

Lanbroarekilan lurrin gorantza doala

Nehork ez daki itsasoa hil dela

Nehork ez daki daldar ikaraz dagoela

Nehork ez daki zeruko miraila

Itsasoaren berpizle gaur bilakatu dela

Nehork ez daki nora doan lainoa

Heze arinka agurka nora goiz freskoa

Nehorrek ez daki nola itsasoa

Hilketaritzat hartzen ari eki beroa

Nehork ez daki hor dela debrua

Ttakun ttakun ttakun ttakun ttakun tta soinua

Lanbro adiskide,lagun itsasoa

Airean hegaldan oholaren oi oihua

Ttakun ttakun ttakun Ez!

Txukun txukun txukunez

Kantu turu soinu turu txistu turu lizunez

Zerua gaur dugunez

Beterikan lagunez

Hegaldaka txalaparta aditzen dugunez.

Orain nik badakit oino dela bizi

Orain nik badakit gaur ez dutela ehortzi

Nahiz ta ez ikusi,ez gaituela utzi

Gorantza doala eskumiña ta goraintzi

Nik ere badakit iza dela hazi

Daldarezko soinekoz egun zaigula jantzi

Zeruko mirailak duela jainko Ortzi

Itsasoa berpizten ari zaigula hasi

Zer ari hedoiak,dituztela igurtzi

Goiz frexkoa ikaraz gorantzaka ihesi

Itsasoa urduri,uhain arin hazi

Lurrin hezeak jalgiko dira euri etzi

Nehorrek ez daki deabrua nun bizi

Agur ttakun ,egur ttakun ohol soinuari

Lanbro adiskidei,Itxaso amari

Igerikan badoa goiti behiti itzuli.

Ttakun ttakun ttakun Ez!
Txukun txukun txukunez !

Kantu turu soinu turu txistu turu lizunez .
Zerua gaur dugunez, beterikan lagunez !

Hegaldaka txalaparta aditzen dugunez.


chant: Gernika betiko



Gernika gaizoa, indarrez xehatua

Gernika oihuka sekulan ez hetsitua

Pauvre Gernika, détruite par la force

Tu cries mais ne seras jamais résignée.

Oraintxe larogei urte

gernikan heriotza euriz bete

gure herri sakratuari su ta ke

euskaldun libertateak betitik ziren gureak, ohikoak

euskal haitzaren azpian zazpiak armarrituak, herrikoak

il a 80 ans une pluie mortuaire tombe sur gernika

et notre ville sacrée est massacrée
les libertés basques etaient pourtant traditionnelles

et les sept provinces ne faisaient qu'un sà l'ombre du chêne basque..

Gernika gaizoa, indarrez xehatua

Gernika oihuka sekulan ez hetsitua

Pauvre Gernika, détruite par la force

Tu cries mais ne seras jamais résignée.

Hegazkinek ari ziren

Frankoren agindua betetzen

euskal nortasuna irainez odoltzen

burrunba ikaragarriz, zerua estaltzen hasi, trumoiez

izugarrizko soinuez, Gernika errotikan suntsi, indarrez

Sous les ordres de franco, la legion Condor

insulta et ensanglanta le symbole basque

Le ciel se couvrit alors d'un grondement sourd

et ce terrible echo détruisit Gernika par la force.

Gernika gaizoa, indarrez xehatua

Gernika oihuka sekulan ez hetsitua

Pauvre Gernika, détruite par la force

Tu cries mais ne seras jamais résignée.

Merkatua xehatuta bonba erailez hortxe erasotua,

mortuzko hondamenetan sartua

udaberriz jantzirikan zeuden hosto orlegiak, beltzatuak

betiko astelehen goizak egun madarikatuez beztituak

Le marché detrruit, agressé par les bombes meurtrières

qui plongerent la ville dans un desert mortuaire,

brulèrent le costume de feuilles vertes printannieres

et les lundis matins se vétirent à jamais de linceuls effrayants.

Gernika gaizoa, indarrez xehatua

Gernika oihuka sekulan ez hetsitua

Arbolaren sinboloa indartu zuten hola erasotuz

askatasun goseari indarra sortuz

Kaudilloren aldekoak gerla zuten irabazi, momentuz

libertate ibilbidean euskaldun diren xedeak azkartuz

Le symbole de l'arbre se consolida à cause de l'attaque

et une faim de liberté surgit de ses cendre

Les franquistes remportèrent momentanément la guerre,

mais en réalité, ils ne firent que fortifierles souhaits de liberté des basques

Gernika gaztea negarretik irrira

ta Euskal Herria hosto berdez jantzia.

Gernika rajeunie, tu passes des pleurs au sourire

et avec toi, le Pays Basque revêt de jeunes feuilles vertes.